Led Zeppelin is releasing a film called Celebration Day of their 2007 reunion show. In December of 2007 the band reunited for their first show...
Check out a new track from Breatbot’s much anticipated new album By Your Side (out 9/17). Listen to Another Dawn
Remember those toy Fisher Price record players that were popular many many years ago? A man named Fred Murray has come up with a way...
We know what children and old people think of Skrillex, but who are his actual fans? Josh Haddow of noisey went to a Skrillex show...
Ex-Smashing Pumpkin guitarist James Iha has a new album Look To The Sky (his first solo album in 15 years) and it features a lot...
David Byrne and St. Vincent unveiled their first live performance of their brassy Love This Giant collaboration last night. You can also watch the
Over the past 11 years Jimmy Fallon has impersonated everyone in music from Enrique Iglesias to Justin Bieber. We’ve compiled 17 videos of Jimmy doing...
The streams keep on coming today, check out Band of Horses’ newest album Mirage Rock
Listen to Menomena’s new album Moms (out 9/18)
NPR manages to get pretty much every good album streaming in full before it comes out. Today we have Grizzly Bear’s Shields which you can...