The Stroke’s Julian Casablancas stars in Daft Punk’s video for Instant Crush, a track he also provided the vocals for. The video follows a tragic...
Lana Del Rey just released her much anticipated short film Tropico. From her press release: Tropico is an epic tale based on the biblical story...
Daft Punk’s Julian Casablancas starring new video for Instant Crush got partially aired on French station BFMTV. The clip made its way to YouTube and...
The latest David Bowie track to get a video is I’d Rather Be High (Venetian Mix). The black-and-white film features WW2 era footage and was...
Coinciding with the Coen brother’s forthcoming film Inside Llewyn Davis, Showtime will be airing a concert called Another Day, Another Time (12/3). One of the...
The latest installment of PBS’s excellent Blank on Blank series features Tupac Shakur. They took his 1994 interview with Benjamin Svetkey about his life and...
Lana Del Rey’s 30 minute short film Tropico comes out on December 5th. From her press release: Tropico is an epic tale based on the...
Arcade Fire has just released the video for their Reflektor track Afterlife. Watch the Emily Kai directed video below:
Kanye debuted the video for his Yeezus track Bound 2 on The Ellen Show. The Nick Knight directed video features Kanye pretending to ride a...
Check out this 1995 piece on Notorious B.I.G. from the British show Passengers. The show interviews Biggie and peers into his Brooklyn life. It even...