Germany based animator Annette Jung has been using her talents to animate Michael Jackson using Legos. Her video Lego Thriller animates the opening scene of...
I know you have been sitting around all day wondering if it is possible to blow smoke rings using a bass drum. Thanks to CBC...
Probably my favorite blog in the world is Bob Egan’s Popspots. Bob tracks down the locations of famous music photos and album covers and juxtaposes...
A group of students at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) have been working on a robot inspired by Sweden’s own pop sensation Robyn. The...
Happy 45th anniversary of the White Album! Artist Rutherford Chang’s We Buy White Albums project has built up a collection of 902 vinyl copies of...
Not to be outdone by the inventiveness of Bob Dylan, Pharrell has released a music video that lasts a full 24 hours for his song...
To support music therapy charity Nordoff Robins, Bloc Party lead singer Kele Okerek is releasing the first 3D printed vinyl single. From Guardian UK: Bloc...
Bob Dylan’s legendary 1965 song Like A Rolling Stone now has its first music video. 48 years later the song finds itself in an interactive...
A piano/cello hybrid instrument designed by Leonardo Da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance has been brought to live by Polish pianist Slawomir Zubrzycki. From The...
73-year-old producing legend Giorgio Moroder spoke to FACT Magazine about how he recorded the Giorgio By Moroder track with Daft Punk. From FactMag: “They asked...