Last night South Park aired The Cissy, its second episode where Randy Marsh claimed to be the singer Lorde. Here’s a funny clip of Randy...
To help launch BBC Music a stunning group of famous musicians joined Brian Wilson to cover his Beach Boys classic God Only Knows. Pharell, Stevie...
Comedian Artie Lange stopped by Jimmy Fallon last night and shared a funny story about a bet he made with an Atlantic City security guard...
A new ad for Hugo Boss features a song by an unknown artist that sounds more than a little too familiar. The backing song for...
Check out this stripped down version of Fleetwood Mac’s Rihannon recently performed by Stevie Nicks with accompaniment by HAIM at Stevie’s home in LA:
Here’s a clip from Bill Murray’s new movie St. Vincent in which he sings along with Bob Dylan’s 1975 classic Shelter From The Storm while...
Radiohead’s Thom Yorke just released a surprise solo album (aka pulling a Beyonce) today called Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes that can be downloaded via BitTorrent. The...
Coinciding with the 40th anniversary of Blondie, co-founder Chris Stein has released a book today called Negative: Me, Blondie, and the Advent of Punk featuring...
For the latest in La Blogotheque’s Take Away Shows series they got one of the biggest stars they have ever had for the series. Jack...
Yeah Yeah Yeahs frontwoman Karen O’s solo album Crush Songs comes out on September 9th. Check out her song Day Go By below: You can...