Germany based animator Annette Jung has been using her talents to animate Michael Jackson using Legos. Her video Lego Thriller animates the opening scene of...
I know you have been sitting around all day wondering if it is possible to blow smoke rings using a bass drum. Thanks to CBC...
The twitter account Seinfeld2000 is by far the funniest (and most purposely full of typos) of the twitter accounts that imagine Seinfeld in the modern...
Seth Rogan and James Franco have created a hilarious shot for shot parody of Kanye West’s Bound 2 video. Instead of a rumbling motorcycle with...
A group of students at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) have been working on a robot inspired by Sweden’s own pop sensation Robyn. The...
Happy 45th anniversary of the White Album! Artist Rutherford Chang’s We Buy White Albums project has built up a collection of 902 vinyl copies of...
In honor of Danny Brown and Sleigh Bells’ upcoming NYC show together Nick Catchdubs of Fools Gold has created an excellent mashup of the two...
Lana Del Rey’s 30 minute short film Tropico comes out on December 5th. From her press release: Tropico is an epic tale based on the...
Diplo has taken on Grizzly Bear’s track Will Calls from their Shields Expanded. Listen below:
Not to be outdone by the inventiveness of Bob Dylan, Pharrell has released a music video that lasts a full 24 hours for his song...