Happy 70th Birthday Bob! One cold January day in 1961 Bob Dylan moved to New York and played a set at Cafe Wha? that very night. He went on to establish himself as one of the artists most synonymous with New York. More photos and your music pairing after the jump.
Your Music Pairing:
Bob Dylan – Talkin’ New York (Live at Gerde’s Folk City, NYC)
21 year old Bob Dylan and his girlfriend Suze Rotolo walk down Jones St. in the photo that would become the cover of The Freewheelin Bob Dylan.
Dylan in Andy Warhol’s factory in Union Square.
Bob on an NYC rooftop in 1962.
Pushing a tire in 1965.
Playing at The Bitter End in 1961.
With Patti Smith outside The Bitter End.
Posing on the sidewalk in 1964.
Standing in front of the skyline in 1983.
Performing in 1978.